Saturday, February 13, 2010

Health/Diet: Chewing Gum and Weight Loss

So I know what you're thinking right about now. "Chewing gum relates to weight loss? This girl must be crazy." But as crazy as it sounds, it's true. In a study at the University of Rhode Island, it was noted that when study participants chewed gum for 20 minutes before eating breakfast and twice again for 20 minutes each time before eating lunch, they consumed, on average, 67 fewer calories at lunch and did not eat excessive calories later in the day to make up for those lost. When their metabolic rates were measured in the lab, the participants burned about 5 percent more calories when they chewed gum than when they abstained. They also reported feeling more energetic on their gum-chewing days. How does it work? Basically, chewing gum tricks your body into thinking you're eating when you're really not and if it's mint flavored, it dampens your taste for anything else because not much tastes good after mint.

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