Friday, February 12, 2010

Family: Little Siblings Asking Questions

So the other day, I was at the bus stop awaiting the bus to arrive and take me over to the school where I take my electives every Monday and Thursday. I had Spanish that particular day and I wasn't looking forward to it because I hadn't done my homework for the class. So I took my mind off of my dread by conversing with my friend Jonny, whose 10 year old little sister, Felicia happened to be standing near by. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, she holds up her hand in the "shocker" symbol and asks what it means. If you don't know, it's a way to finger a girl. So how do we deal with this sort of predicament? Jonny dealt with it by telling his sister that she "understand when she was older," but this method often leaves them with a sense of feeling small and unimportant, along with permeating their curiosity. So if that's not how to deal with it, then what is? To be honest with you, I think it's a lot easier for non-parents to educate kids on this stuff than it is for the parents themselves. So why not talk to your parents and have them grant permission to explain things that come up. I've always believed that if they're old enough to ask, they're old enough to know. But if your parents aren't comfortable with this then resort to the only thing you can: "Go ask mom and dad."

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