Thursday, February 11, 2010

Social Life/ School: Minor Relationships

Okay, so when I say minor, I don't mean small, I mean anybody under the age of 18 that is still in elementary, middle, or high school. Did you know that 50% of teenage romances don't make it? Or that the 50% that do wind up either divorced or seriously unhappy later down the road? So that means 0% of all teenage romances never find true happiness together. So why do we all make such a big deal about it? I mean, deep down, we all know it's not gonna last. So why do we ditch our friends, make a fuss, waste our breath, and shed our tears over it? I mean sure it's great and we think it's true love now, but that's the thing about us human beings, we learn and change all of the time. Our opinions about life and what's good for us are always changing. Don't believe me? Try the following experiment. Think of yourself 2 years ago.Think of what you thought love was and what you were into and what you thought was good for you. Got that thought clearly imprinted in your brain? Good. Now think of yourself now. Think of what you think love is, what you're into and what you think is best for you. Notice any differences? That's what I thought. So the bottom line is, we're kids. We should be living, not wasting all of our time trying to "fall in love."

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