Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pets: Bringing a Home a New Pet for th New Baby

Oftentimes when any couple is expecting a new baby, parents think it a good idea to bring home a new friend for the child to grow up with. While this is a nice thought, there are a few other thoughts to take into consideration before doing so. For starters, there's the sanitation issue. A baby's immune system is still developing, so the added exposure to the bacteria that pets introduce into the home could cause the infant to become ill more often than normal or make the baby's hygiene more difficult for parents. Along with the sanitation, we have the stress issue. Caring for a newborn is a big responsibility, and the added responsibility of also caring for a new animal could be too much. I'm not saying this is always the case, however at times we tend to get so excited about the item in question that we forget it needs maintenance. Finally we have the question of mentality and safety. A newborn has no understanding of causing pain to others, and this could therefore result in the child accidentally abusing the animal and the animal lashing back, causing injury to the child. Although the decision of whether or not to bring home a new pet for the baby is a personal choice, these are just a few things to take into consideration before making it.

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